Babies Are Cosmic, Signs of Their Secret Intelligence

What Babies Are Teaching Us

Did you know that newborns and unborn babies have amazing awareness, extraordinary memories, and advanced abilities? These are examples of what authors Elizabeth and Neil Carman, PhD, call the secret intelligence of babies.

Leaders in this ongoing global paradigm shift that began five decades ago include Françoise Dolto, MD, Thomas Verny, MD, David Chamberlain, PhD, and Akira Ikegawa, MD, PhD.

In 1983, Drs. Verny and Chamberlain co-founded the American Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology Association and Health (APPPAH) to help unravel the riddle of a baby’s secret intelligence. APPPAH is one of two professional organizations dedicated to research and education in pre- and perinatal psychology and medicine. The twin European organization of APPPAH is ISPPPM.

Babies Are Cosmic

Table of Contents

Babies Are Cosmic, Signs of Their Secret Intelligence
By Elizabeth Carman and Neil Carman, PhD

Babies Are Cosmic

Foreword by Laura Uplinger
What Babies Are Teaching Us: Introduction

  • 1 Babies Display Signs of Secret Intelligence
  • 2 Children of the Cosmic Cradle
  • 3 Children as Spiritual Beings
  • 4 Memories of Selecting Parents
  • 5 Children Spark Healing in Mothers
  • 6 Motherhood: Timing Is Everything
  • 7 Travelers from the Light
  • 8 Babies Teach Doctors “I Am a Conscious Being”
  • 9 Prenatal Memories of Inside and Outside the Womb
  • 10 Signs of Prenatal Intelligence
  • 11 The Psyche of the Unborn Child
  • 12 Doctors Talking to Babies Is Revolutionary
  • 13 Babies Remember Birth
  • 14 Signs of Secret Intelligence of Newborns
  • 15 Love Sensing at Birth
  • 16 Conception Memories Are Rare
  • 17 What Babies Remember When They Grow Up
  • 18 Children’s Memories of Birth Loss and Healing
  • 19 Return from Heaven
  • 20 The Only Life that Matters
  • 21 Doorway to the Next Life
  • 22 Babies Appear Before Conception
  • 23 Mother-Baby “Love Thought” Channel

Endnotes Bibliography Index

Babies Are Cosmic will expand your mind about who your children are and why they came to you.

In their book Babies Are Cosmic, Signs of their Secret Intelligence, the Carmans used a two-pronged
approach to show evidence of the secret intelligence of babies.

  • 1 Extraordinary evidence of childrens’ 5 types of memory of their birth, time in the womb, and before.

    In the Carman’s global research project, parents submitted thousands of children’s memories that aren’t found in textbooks: birth, womb, conception, preconception, and past-life memories.
  • 2 Evidence from prenatal and perinatal psychology and medicine.

    Children’s memories are further supported by experimental results and clinical findings about babies in the womb and newborns from birth psychology, developmental psychology, and medicine. Babies are aware at multiple levels during prenatal life and at birth.

Signs of secret intelligence include:

  • Babies already sense if they are loved or unloved before they are born.
  • They listen, communicate, and learn.
  • They observe events inside and outside the womb.
  • Twins display the same behaviors before and after birth.
Babies Are Cosmic

In 360 pages, Babies Are Cosmic features 100 researchers and pioneers who are paving the way for cultural, medical, and social acceptance of the idea that babies are conscious beings from conception to birth and even before.

(445 endnotes, 270 bibliographical references, 12 illustrations)

The evidence of consciousness before birth suggests the need for a new standard of medical care that includes the power of love. Readers can also learn here to form a loving, intuitive bond with their born and unborn children, giving them a greater capacity to love and be loved.